Shareholders Information
Corporate Announcement
1. Outcome of EGM
2. Scrutinizer Report & Voting results;
3. Voting Results
4. Large Entities Declaration
5. Regulation 30 Announcement Acquisition
6. Outcome of Board Meeting
7. Outcome
8. Intimation of Board Meeting
9. Outcome of Board Meeting
10. Outcome of Board Meeting
11. Outcome of Board Meeting
12. Financial Results
13. Resignation of Mr. Sanjeev Mittal
14. Intimation Investor Meet signed
15. Intimation Investor Meet signed
16. Outcome Investor Meet signed
17. Intimation Closure of Trading Window
18. Intimation of Board Meeting
19. Outcome of Board Meeting
20. Regulation 30 Anouncement
21. Intimation Investor Meet
22. Intimation Closure of Trading Window
23. Outcome of AGM
24. Scrutinizer's Report AGM
25. Voting Results AGMs
26. Investor Meet Intimation
27. PROGOTA Extension of right issue
27. Intimation of Board Meeting
28. Resignation Intimation
29. Investor Presentation -CCS
30. Outcome of Conference Call
31. PCS Certificate
32. Resignation letter on letter head of CFO
33. Investor Meet
34. Disclosure under regulation 30 of SEBI
35. Declaration CG Report
36. Reconcilation Report
37. Investor Complaints
38. Regulation 74(5) final
39. SDD Compliance signed
40. Intimation shifting of registered office of subsidiary
1. Notice of Board Meeting
2. Outcome of Board Meeting
3. Appointment of Mr. Sanjeev Mittal
4. Notice of Board Meeting_13.09.2023
5. Outcome of Board Meeting_13.09.2023
6. Intimation & Notice of EGM
7. Outcome/ Proceedings of AGM
8. Scrutinizer's Report- AGM
9. Voting Results- AGM
10. Intimation of Closure of Trading Window
11. Outcome of EGM
12. Voting Results- EGM
13. Scrutinizers Report - EGM
14. CA Certificate
15. Outcome of Board Meeting -24.10.2023
16. Intimation of Board Meeting-08.11.2023
17. Outcome of Board Meeting -08.11.2023
18. Regulation 30 Announcement Acquisition- 08.11.2023
19. Outcome BM - 06.02.2024
20. Outcome BM Resignation - 06.02.2024
21. Intimation_Closure of Trading Window
22. Outcome of Board Meeting - April 05, 2024
23. EGM Notice- 29th April, 2024;
24. Notice & Intimation of EGM;
25. Intimation of E-voting &
26. Newspaper Publication
1. Board Meeting Notice
2. Outcome of Board Meeting
3. Declaration RPT
4. Reconciliation of Share Capital Audit Report
5. Certificate for 74 (5)
6. Declaration - CG Report
7. Intimation_Closure of Trading Window